Plant eucalyptus trees on 10,500 acres of barren land
 US$12 M

the emerging economy to be in now. It is exactly where a Singapore company is next looking to replicate its commercial success in developing eucalyptus plantations.

If you are a high networth investor (with at least a 6-figure sum available for this investment) and want to have an early slice of Myanmar, with potentially high returns, please read on.

eucalyptusEucalyptus plantations can be high-return investments.Briefly, the company is targeting to plant high-quality, fast-growing eucalyptus trees on 10,500 acres of barren land.

The capital investment will be US$4 million a year for 3 years with most of the money going to cover the cost of labour and fertilizers. 

The money from investors is treated as a loan with interest of 5% accruing annually until the principal is paid back. 

The principal will start to be paid back from year 4 using income derived from harvesting the trees.

While its internal rate of return is very attractive to investors at about 28%, the project aims to do much good for the local community by planting on barren land and providing jobs -- from planting to pruning to regular maintenance and to harvesting as well as processing the wood.

The Singapore company behind this project has a Myanmar partner which has secured permits and licences for planting the trees on 10,500 acres.

The Singapore company has successfully grown over 8,000 acres of eucalyptus plantation in Guangdong, China in the past 6 years.

The rewards have proven to be worth the investment. The company made an initial harvest in 2012 and has completely sold the timber. It will harvest 1,800 acres this year and estimates that its net profit would be US$7-8 million this year.

If you are interested to know more about co-investing in Myanmar with this company, and if you have at least a 6-figure sum available for this investment, please send an email with your name and contact number to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

She will contact you and possibly arrange for a presentation and discussion in her office in the CBD. Relevant documentation with regards to the China project will be available for viewing, upon request.

Disclaimer: No warranty or representation is made to you on the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information above. Any investment decision that you may make should be carried out after you have consulted with your own independent advisors.  

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#1 dk daukia 2013-07-14 16:26
I am from India.

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We would like collaborate on such projects

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