Just like i expect it to be. Insider create fear, and many sell out cheap and get got cheated by them.
I am lucky to sell early and buy back on crash ,another big pay day for me.
you can check the timing of my previous posts.
Thanks the market. all profit go to good uses for the masses.
may all be well and happy
never buy pennies,unless you want to be penniless.
never be stubborn, you pay for it later, till you got no mood to post here.
wait come summer it will be too late,
[cheongwee 07-03-2012]:
If you have read that article i posted, you might have sell already like me.
I sold last week.
But i still think rally will not end till June or late July.
I am taking this opportunity to profit.
Insider leak out that only some 20% of creditor accept the Greece debt deal, but do you believe what insider said.
They will said the opposite to profit,and cause mkt to panic sell so they can buy cheap from you., thus they said only 20%, it need to have 75%.
But i think crediter will accept, because they may get nothing if they dont.
i might be wrong. but i dont think so.
[cheongwee 05-03-2012]:
Personnally, i think rally will last till summer. But whatever the outcome, do have a cut loss for all vestment as a portaection or do take profit as you go as you are satisfy or your tg px hiy, do not wait, be happy with them, the mkt is always there, but not your price, it may be gone in a day of crash.
I would like to share this.