Management buy back of shares, will be use for
upcoming listing in Taiwan(TDR). Last heard a done deal.
Wrts 0.355 + 0.40 = 0.755 cts
mother share 0.815cts, difference of 0.06cts
anybody can help explain difference
People selling mother share to buy warrants? Or people buying warrants to convert to mother shares have to wait a few more weeks before getting mother shares. Anyway, the pressure is on the stock price because of the upcoming expiry of the warrants. People sell mother to pay for converting the warrants, etc. Or people sell warrants because dont want to come up with money to exervise the warrants. Anyway, short term. Soon all this will be over and the stock can run up with the TDR listing. Also next year is a great year. Technics powerpoint here;