Hotung has proposed to pay 0.47 NTD dividend per share. At exchange rate of 29.4, dividend is about 0.016 USD. What a fantastic payout as it amounts to 13% based on the stock price of 0.125 USD.
The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Hotung Investment Holdings Limited (“the
Company”) wishes to announce that the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading
Limited (Market Control) has processed the Company's application to change its
trading currency from United States Dollar (USD) to Singapore Dollar (SGD).
The rationale of the aforesaid change in trading currency is to facilitate easier
settlement of trade and provide investors with greater convenience, thereby
enhancing liquidity and removing the necessity of foreign exchange conversion.
The change of trading currency of the Company will be effective as of March 17,
Unlike many S-chips, Hotung (which is Taiwan based) is an example of what confidence you can win by paying dividends. Hotung has 2-cents final dividend coming..... which is 11.1% yield on the current stock price of 18 cents. Yes, the stock price has moved up to 18 Singapore cents!
yes, abb you're right exceptional dividend of over 11% based on the current price of S$0.17. While dividend date is not confirmed yet. It's time to wake up Hotung!