I'm vested in Capland 25 lots at average price of about $3.09.
My these 25 lots of Capland are already fully-paid.
If hold for longterm or hold a few years, do you guys think Capland will rise to $3.50 or not?!
Note that Capland got pay dividends every year too.
Or is it better to cut the 25 lots of Capland at today's price of $3.02?
I can hold these 25 lots for longterm. But if Capland is likely to fall further in the short-term, then might as well I cut first and buy back at cheaper prices later??
But Capland is going X-date on 25th April this month so do you guys think Capland is unlikely to fall below $3 for the 3 weeks before it's X-date??
How come whenever I come to this forum to take a look, I always see this remark at the bottom right-hand side----We currently have xx guests and 1 member online. This 1 member online is obviously me myself!