[MacGyver 09-04-2011]:
cheongwee, I have studied this company, Sapphire before. There are a few things I don't like about this Company. The major is that the Singapore listed entity is not the decision maker. Read the shareholding structure and you will understand what I mean. Dividends may be distributed but it may not reached the Singapore entity. Buyers beware. since i told you abt Sapphire. i thk i will also bring to your atth abt foreland, UMS, enough for you to risk losing all your money , hope not. Actually, i got a few more. But i dont want to be your reason for losing. I can afford the risk, how abt you? overall, i am still a bear, and i believe this is just a secular bear mkt rally. Be careful. Be value invester only when the next low come. next, i expect all to crash, stock ,gold,, commodities, oil, yes..all. just my opinion.
From your reply, I can see that you are quite new to the stock market.
Please study the shareholding structure carefully and you can see the big risks behind Sapphire.
That's all I will say.
Good luck to your investments in penny S-chips.
Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by niadmin. Reason: shorter healine
Hello Mac.
didnt i told you i buy the trend, I am riding the trend. i dont invest in stock. and i never long on any stock. I dont buy for dividend.
hope i answer your question, it is not how long u are in the mkt. Is it how much u make when u are right and how much u lose when wrong...........ask Soros.
value invester will someday wake up and find their value got no meaning very soon.
And never laugh at people, unless you dont make mistake.
I made a lot of mistakes in my years in the stock market.
Paid so much tuition fees but really learn a lot of important experience. But I never stop laughing and learning.
The one thing I feel proud about -- I never make the same mistake twice.
I lost almost my entire savings in the CLOB saga.
I come back and managed to win more than double what I lost around 2003-2004.
I am probably too lazy to be looking at the stock market everyday. You are probably younger than me and have more energy to monitor the market every second.
Good luck to you and your trend momentum.
I have been in the market long enough to know dozens of good investors with different approaches. Some are big enough to move stock prices - so believe me, I know some people. What is clear to me is that all are convinced of their investing strategies --- yet I can be sure all have sorry experiences of stocks that bit their hands. Such is the reality of the market, but on the whole if you make more $ than you lose, you have done well. So I rarely argue with others regarding which style is 'better' or why you choose such a 'terrible' stock? Each investor has a different risk appetite and each one is familiar with different stocks (or even have insider info).