Below lists on "Risk Management Check Lists" with addition input from Greenrookie:
1) PROFIT MARGIN: Keeping track of profit margin changes.
2) BUSINES COMPETITION: Either company gaining market shares or losing market shares.
3) DELAY Project delay, material delay, goods delay etc.
4) COST – Product costs, administration costs, marketing costs, labour costs, etc.
5) PROBLEMS: political, social, environmental, etc
6) POLITICAL: Change Of Government.
7) INTEREST RATE: Changes In Interest Rate.

MANAGEMENT: Company Mismanagement Or Accounting Problems.
9) DEBT: Look at debt level, some sectors like property developers, it's common to have debt, but know the industry norm for debt level.
10) IN VENTORIES: For manufacturing or distribution or retail, check inventories and receivables turnover rate, cash cycles etc.
11) OUTLOOK OF SECTOR: If possible, the state of health of their customers and suppliers. Track expiration/ renewal of key contracts
12) RESIGNATION & FUND RAISING: Check for sudden resignation of personnels, frequent fund raising.
13) MANAGEMENT STATEMENTS: Over bullish outlooks that dun pan out frequently, hiding problems, etc. management selling large amt of shares.
15) Lastly, understand as much as possible you can about the business you are buying. If some things doesn't make sense give it a miss. Better be safe than sorry.