JT 8.2016This article by Jennifer Tan (left, Director, Research & Products,  Equities & Fixed Income, at the Singapore Exchange) was published in SGX's kopi-C: the Company brew series on 21 April 2017. The article is republished with permission.

HCSurgical HeahSieuMinDr Heah Sieu Min, founder and CEO of HC Surgical Specialists (Photo: SGX kopi-C)

Medicine or business?

This was the career decision Dr Heah Sieu Min faced - and made - more than three decades ago, after a night with little sleep whilst on guard duty in the Singapore army.

Today, Heah, who grew up in a family of rubber estate owners, experiences the best of both worlds - the successful colorectal surgeon is also the founder and Chief Executive Officer of SGX-listed HC Surgical Specialists Ltd.

"It was 1984 and I was 20 years old, in National Service, when I had this eureka moment," Heah recalled.

"I was struggling to decide which course to pursue at university. I thought I would be good at business, but I wasn't sure if I could excel in medicine since I wasn't the mugging type. But that night, I decided to follow my heart to be a doctor - a professional occupation I always admired since childhood - rather than go with my instinct to get a business degree."

LQM000066Business is often about timing and opportunity. The challenge is to recognise opportunity and be decisive, to act swiftly when a suitable occasion presents itself.

- Dr Heah Sieu Min

HC Surgical Specialists

"And I haven't looked back since."

Heah graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Dublin) with a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery degree in 1990. He started his medical career as a houseman in Ireland, before returning to Singapore in 1991 to complete his national service.

In 1992, he was awarded traineeship in General Surgery, and took on the role of Medical Officer in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. After obtaining his Fellowship of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons (FRCS) (Edinburgh) qualification in 1994, he held various positions in Singapore General Hospital - including Medical Officer Specialist, Registrar, Associate Consultant and Consultant of the Department of Colorectal Surgery - till 2004.

Thereafter, he spent just under three years as Consultant in Colorectal Surgery at Pacific Colorectal Centre (Pacific Healthcare), before starting his own private practice - Heah Colorectal Endoscopy & Piles Centre - in 2007 in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre.

"Business is often about timing and opportunity. The challenge is to recognise opportunity and be decisive, to act swiftly when a suitable occasion presents itself," he said.

When Heah began his private practice, he considered endoscopy, which would offer a stable income due to demand, as well as provide opportunities to treat patients with conditions such as haemorrhoids and colon cancer, further supplementing revenues.

"I thought to myself that as a colorectal surgeon, someone must have colorectal cancer in order to become my patient. But as an endoscopist, the pool is much broader - anyone with a mouth and anus can potentially be my patient, thereby making it a scalable business."

Having been trained as a surgeon, Heah prefers to be in the operating theatre. "However, to be successful in private practice, one needs to strategise. I decided from the beginning I would focus on endoscopy. Since I don't see any credible substitute for this service, demand should be sustainable over the long term."

Value for Money

Venturing into the heartlands to set up clinics was also a deliberate plan. "If you only have a centrally located clinic, you end up competing with the majority of surgeons for the same pool of patients. The likelihood of attracting patients from the heartlands is low, because they invariably have the impression that you are expensive," he said.

"But when you have a presence in the outlying residential estates, your catchment area is much wider, and there's no one else in private practice who provides the same service. As a result, you can cater to patients who would otherwise be destined for restructured hospitals. Generally, we can streamline our service for patients to offer shortened waiting times."

Heah has since expanded his practice to five other locations - Bukit Batok, Hougang, Tampines, Farrer Park and D'leedon condominium. This year, another two centres with endoscopic facilities will open in the heartlands.

His motto is to offer patients quality healthcare at their doorstep. "In the heartlands, you can help more patients by being next door to them and offering affordable prices, particularly for those with tight budgets. All our centres are, or will be, MediSave-accredited, and we're in the panel of many major insurers," he added.

Heah Sieu Min

LQM000066Ultimately, patients will visit you because you serve them well, at reasonable prices that are not available elsewhere. Many term this as good value for money.

- Dr Heah Sieu Min

HC Surgical Specialists

(Photo: Company)

"Rentals are also cheaper, and it's easier to control your overheads."

Another advantage is that demand in the heartlands is more recession-proof.

"When a recession hits, foreign patients are usually the first to stop coming. While a central clinic location tends to capture a significant number of foreigners, when times are bad, you'll have to divide a shrinking pie amongst more specialists," he noted.

"In the heartlands, because patients can use MediShield and MediSave to pay for treatments, demand is more resilient."

In these outlying areas, building a facility capable of performing endoscopies, as well as minor surgical procedures, safely and seamlessly, can be challenging.

"There is a significant investment in manpower and cost because of strict Ministry of Health (MOH) licensing guidelines for such facilities," Heah added.

Ironically, a specialist's reputation in the heartlands rests on the success of his centrally located clinic, he pointed out.

"It's not good, image-wise, if you were to head straight to the residential areas without first setting up shop in Orchard Road, or Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre.

"Patients will tend to think you're based in the heartlands because you couldn't succeed in a central, competitive environment."

It's also important to strike a balance between running a business and helping patients. "You need to have a successful business in order to help patients - no one will come to you if you are not successful, measured by profits, of course," he said.

"On the other hand, if you're too successful, you're seen more as a businessman than a doctor, one who is more interested in profits than patient welfare. It's a thin line to navigate, but one every successful surgeon will invariably encounter."

This is best overcome by raising service levels, he added. "Ultimately, patients will visit you because you serve them well, at reasonable prices that are not available elsewhere. Many term this as good value for money."

♦ Boosting Capability

In September 2015, Heah founded HC Surgical Specialists Ltd with Dr Chia Kok Hoong, who was appointed the Group's Chief Operating Officer. The company, which derives its name from the initials of the founders, was listed on the Catalist board on 3 November 2016 via a placement of 30 million shares at 27 Singapore cents apiece.

The Group also includes colorectal surgeon Dr Lai Jiunn Herng and general surgeon Dr Charles Tan, as well as general practitioners (GPs) Dr Malcolm Lim and Dr Tan See Lin.

Stock price  57.5c
52-week range 55 - 67.5c
Market cap S$84.7 m
Price/Book 5.7 x
Dividend Yield 3.13%
PE 53.4 x
Source: SGX StockFacts

HC Surgical has a current market capitalisation of over S$85 million. Its shares more than doubled on their trading debut, closing at 55 cents, up 103.7% from their IPO price.

In the year-to-date, the stock has declined 5.7% to 58 cents, but is still 115% above its issue price.

The Group offers endoscopic procedures, including gastroscopies, colonoscopies and general surgery, with a focus on colorectal procedures. Common conditions treated include haemorrhoids, gallstones, hernias, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, as well as thyroid conditions. It has a network of 12 clinics that spans central Singapore and the heartlands, with some situated within major private hospitals.

Between the financial years ended 31 May 2014 and 2016, HC Surgical Specialists averaged a revenue of S$7.2 million and an attributable net profit of S$3.1 million. The company intends to pay out at least 70% of its profit after tax as dividends for FY2017, FY2018 and FY2019.

Following its listing, HC Surgical continues to look out for opportunities to strengthen its local presence. To grow the patient pool and increase the range of specialty treatments available, Heah plans to collaborate with other GPs through joint ventures, as well as acquire specialists in other fields.

In February 2017, HC Surgical completed its acquisition of Julian Ong Endoscopy & Surgery for S$2.2 million. The inclusion of Dr Ong in the Group's stable will enhance its capabilities.

"We're interested to take on young, motivated, specialist doctors with potential to grow with us. They ought to be doctors with good reputation, integrity and a desire to help as many people as possible, thereby sharing our work ethos," he said.

"We're in for the long haul and thus, there're short, medium and long-term strategies in place. These, of course, may change as our business environment evolves."


But finding the right talent for the Group may be a challenge, as physicians by nature are hard to manage, Heah admitted. Some of that experience comes from managing doctors in his role as Commanding Officer of 1 Combat Support Hospital from 2008 to 2013, during his reservist days.

"I need to convince these doctors they are better off with the Group than being on their own - that it's the sum of the whole, rather than each individual alone, which creates a win-win situation," he said.

"I do this by creating a working environment conducive for them to obtain new business leads, which in turn will provide patients with quality, accessible healthcare."

Singapore as a medical tourism hub is also facing stiff competition as costs escalate.

"We're getting pretty expensive - rentals and equipment are pricey, while staff expenses continue to climb, and these tend to increase costs for patients. As a result, we are compared less favourably to our regional peers, even though the quality of care may be much higher," he noted.

"Therefore, cost management through efficiency and multi-tasking, together with well-trained and motivated staff, are crucial to the continued success of any company facing such challenges."

LQM000066Something cannot be done only if it's illegal or truly impossible. Inconvenient or difficult are not the same as impossible, and therefore achievable. The question is at what price?

- Dr Heah Sieu Min

HC Surgical Specialists

The city-state is maintaining its leadership position in the region for now, largely due to the stellar reputation of its doctors.

"The challenge is how do we maintain that reputation yet keep costs down. Once the region's medical centres get their act together, competitive pressures will accelerate," he added.

HC Surgical is also increasing its exposure in Asian markets. In January last year, it entered into an agreement with an independent party to provide consultancy and training services at the Transport Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The Group will also assist Transport Hospital in establishing a day surgery and endoscopy centre, where its specialist surgeons will have exclusive rights to perform surgical and endoscopic procedures for a stipulated period of time.

"Because Vietnam is less saturated than China, this market offers a lot more opportunities," Heah noted.

At the end of the day, it's all about daring to venture and making a difference.

"Do you have the guts to put your ideas into action? Whenever I hear 'It's not been done before, so you cannot do it', it's like waving a red cloth in front of a raging bull," he said.

"Something cannot be done only if it's illegal or truly impossible. Inconvenient or difficult are not the same as impossible, and therefore achievable. The question is at what price? Is it worth the endeavour? I faced this challenge in 2006 when I set up the endoscopy centre in Bukit Batok, because it had not been done before."

Passion is necessary for any entrepreneur to succeed, and one must be willing to take calculated - but not reckless - risks, he added. "Always do your feasibility studies, and don't plunge in blindly."

♦ Walk the Talk

Having a heart for patients is another must. "The patient always comes first," he pointed out. "Do no harm, cure often, and comfort always."

Keep your word, and walk the talk, because integrity can be destroyed in the blink of an eye, added Heah, 53.

"As a doctor, you must choose the treatment option that has the maximum patient benefit, not the highest profit, because your reputation is paramount."

LQM000066As a doctor, you must choose the treatment option that has the maximum patient benefit, not the highest profit, because your reputation is paramount.

- Dr Heah Sieu Min

HC Surgical Specialists

While many doctors have the skills to perform scopes and surgeries, the degree of attention to patient welfare is a key differentiator.

"Did you explain the procedure clearly to your patient so he doesn't worry unnecessarily? Did you check if he can use MediSave funds or claim against insurance for the procedure? Did you call him to see how he is recovering after surgery? Talking to patients is an art," he noted.

"The quality of your service will distinguish the great from the good. While consistently good service is very difficult to achieve over the long term, one must believe in it, and pay constant attention to it."

To this end, staff training and morale are key. "I challenge my staff to provide service standards that exceed most patients' expectations. It may sound difficult, but difficult is not impossible," he added.

Heah, whose wife is a doctor with her own practice, has a daughter, 22, and a son, 20. Working 12-hour days, starting with early morning visits to hospitals to check on patients, followed by clinic appointments with endoscopy and surgical procedures, often at different locations across the island, is his usual routine. He ends the day by catching up on administrative matters and business meetings with company personnel or other doctors.

"We're a close-knit community, and we usually come together to talk about partnerships, acquisitions, and the latest industry developments," he added.

With multiple irons in the fire, Heah has much to look forward to, and the outlook is bright. In retrospect, the journey thus far has been nothing short of exhilarating.

"Ever since I was a teenager, I've wanted to be both a businessman and a doctor. Serving patients is amongst the highest privileges one can have, and it must never be taken for granted," he smiled.

"With the listing of HC Surgical Specialists, I've managed to balance medicine and business. Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing!"

Financial results

Year ended 31 May (S$000) FY2016 FY2015 FY2014 
Revenue 7,907 6,868 6,885
Profit before income tax 3,344 3,616 3,859
Profit attributable to owners of company 2,738 3,252 3,439
Profit attributable (excl. lisitng expenses*) 3,164 NA NA

Half year ended 30 November (S$000) 1H2017 1H2016 Change
Revenue 4,281 3,853 11.5%
Profit before income tax 99 1,588 -93.8%
Profit attributable to owners of company 104 1,267 -91.8%

*Excludes one-off listing expense of about S$0.43mln incurred in FY2016
NA: Not applicable
Source: Company data

Outlook & Risks
    • The Group expects the operating environment of the medical industry to remain challenging over the next 12 months due to the dampening of the economic climate in Singapore and the region.
    • Rising business and operating costs, partly due to the Group's listing status, will continue to exert pressure on profits.
    • Nevertheless, the Group will continue to remain focused on driving revenue and improving operating efficiencies in a bid to contain costs.
    • It will continue to look for opportunities to expand into the heartlands and suitable partners in its expansion plans.

HC Surgical Specialists Ltd

HC Surgical Specialists Ltd is a medical services group primarily engaged in the provision of endoscopic procedures, including gastroscopies and colonoscopies, and general surgery services, with a focus on colorectal procedures. HCSS, which listed on SGX's Catalist board on 3 November 2016, operates a network of clinics throughout Singapore. The Group is led by its founding specialist surgeons Dr. Heah Sieu Min (Chief Executive Officer) and Dr. Chia Kok Hoong (Chief Operating Officer), and supported by a team of experienced specialist surgeons and general practitioners. Common conditions treated by the Group include haemorrhoids, gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder, hernias, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer and colonic diverticular disease. For more information, click here.

For its half year financial results ended 30 November 2016, click here.

The company website is: www.hcsurgicalspecialists.com.

The ccompany's Stock Facts page is here.

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