THIS YEAR, so far, has not been as rewarding an experience for many of us investors, compared to recent years. The STI was at 3370 on 2 Jan 2015, and it fell to 3202 on 31 July 2015, the lowest level so far in 2015.

Isaac topIsaac Chin: Invested in the market to the tune of about $4 m and earning about $20K a month on average this year, largely from dividend yields. File photo.I still do have monetary gains (about $20K a month, largely from dividend yields on my $4 m capital investment) but they are half or a third of what I used to earn.

The STI has come down to the level it was 2.5 years ago: The STI was at 3202 on 2 Jan 2013.  

I have compiled the following table showing the performance of some of the stocks I have invested in and traded in and out of:

2 Jan 2013 31 July 2015 Comments


3202 3202 Same  level after 31 months
CMT  2.13 2.00 (-6%)

5.4% Yield at $2.00

A-Reit 2.40 2.42 (1%) Yield 6%, high volatility, high performer, hit $2.68 on 15/4/15
Suntec   1.695 1.705 (0.6%)

My favorite stock, hit $1.10 in 2012 , $1.96 in 2/1/15, dividend range 5-6% pa. Have sold 70% of holding @ $1.90 level. Balance of 100 lots

Sing Post             1.145 1.955 (71%)

Shot up above $2.00 after Alibaba’s effect.

I bought 500 lots x $0.98 in 2012, but sold all at $1.93 in April 2015

DBS    14.78 20.18 (37%)

A good performer

Capitaland 3.76 3.22  (-14%)

A bad performer.

I have invested and traded mainly in A Reit, Suntec,
Mapletree Greater China Commercial Trust  (MGCC), Mapletree Logistics Trust (MLT), SingPost, SPH, Starhub, with average yields of 6%.

I have reaped enormous capital gains from SingPost and Suntec during this 2.5-year period, making close to $1m in dividend and capital appreciation, at a time of high volatility in stocks, and also from my $2m investment in short term corporate bonds, with 3-5 year maturities.

It’s about right stock picks, timing and asset allocation. Those who have bet on DBS, Suntec, SingPost in past 2.5 years are clear winners as contrast to anyone who put his money in NOBLE.

Looking ahead, I feel the market will continue to be very uncertain, mainly because of the upcoming Fed hike in interest rates.  The recent volatility in China markets is also worrying.

However, I stay invested – in instruments such as REITS offering yields way above bank savings deposit rates.

On a more personal level, I feel very blessed with 2 wonderful grand-children. I have travelled to most parts of Europe, Japan, Australia, NZ, China, in the past 10 years and stayed healthy so far. I am privileged to have been born and raised in SINGAPORE, and to enjoy SG50. Best wishes to everybody!                                                                                                 

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#11 Mary 2018-04-12 10:45
Enjoy your Europe trips, Enjoy your investing trips with good return.
Best wishes this coming years, despite the uncertainty world
You still manage to get cheap loan from DBS?
If you able to get 1million loan @1% 2 properties as collateral 2.6 million, You still in debt 1/2.6 million ratio.
Profit or passive income 20k from 5m equitycum bondscum commodity plus 2.6million properties. 20/8m 2-3% return so
Inflation up from 2.6% to 5% uncertainty trade wars ok?
GDP declared 2% so CPF given 2.5% vg?
I just wandering how to fight this SG GDP growth? Mischievous low GDP? 5% and then CPF given to citizens only 2.5%>>>still declared vg? Any comments if only 2/1.8m
Only less zero 20k to 2k?
#10 Emily51244 2015-08-19 16:29
Hi, Isaac. Really enjoy reading your sharing on investment. I'm new to investment. Just wondering if it's a good time to buy Suntec Reit now. As the price dropped to $1.61.
#9 sharestar 2015-08-17 13:54
Quoting Isaac:
Dear Sharestar: My record shows that I gained $2m in 2009. I am able to make about 11% p.a. compounded return to date (I started my career as a private investor in Y 2000). My average return , from dividend, interest, rental, cap appreciation is about $500k p.a. , 2000 Jan - 2015 Jan.

ok. thanks . Good to make so much.
#8 Isaac 2015-08-15 14:41
Dear Sharestar: My record shows that I gained $2m in 2009. I am able to make about 11% p.a. compounded return to date (I started my career as a private investor in Y 2000). My average return , from dividend, interest, rental, cap appreciation is about $500k p.a. , 2000 Jan - 2015 Jan.
-1 #7 sharestar 2015-08-14 16:03
STI have basically x 2 since 2009.

Wonder what is ISAAC comparable performance ?
#6 Isaac 2015-08-09 12:33
Cart: Oxley , coupon 5.1% x3Y matured on 5/12/16, Yanlord , coupon 6.2% x 3Y matured 8/5/17, just to name 2 bonds. Shui On coupon 8% x 3Y has matured n cap 250k was paid back to me.

I am only interested in short term corporate bonds now, preferably with 3Y maturity and 5-6% coupon rate.
+1 #5 cart 2015-08-09 02:39
hi Isaac,

thanks for your sharing your investment performance. I have always enjoy reading your sharing.

Can I ask what is the average coupon rate for your corporate bonds? Also, I rmbr you made good profits on SGS bonds before. What is your criteria in picking corporate/ bonds? Are you able to share with us?

Thank you & Happy SG50!
#4 Isaac 2015-08-08 11:42
David :- Timing n good judgement are as impt as analysis, knowledge and experience. In the case of S Post, I bought 500 lot x 0.98 in 2012, yield was about 6.3% at that time. So I invested for the attractive yield, but it turned out to be great capital gain with the ALIBABA effect. U can call it LUCK. Isaac
#3 Rock 2015-08-05 19:36
Congrats Isaac for another year of sucessful investment. Thanks for sharing freely.

From your stock pick I believe you are more an income investor. Your monetory gains about $20K a month largely from dividend yield is already very good,.

The key to growing our portfolio is to stay invested. It has to be continuous and sustainable whether the market move up or down.
#2 David.Lim 2015-08-05 07:50
Congrats Isaac. While analysis and knowledge do play an impt role, I wonder how much luck would you attribute to yr investing gains? For ex., Sing Post has risen substantially due to the Alibaba effects. This is a lucky break for shareholders, isn't it? W/o it, SPost could well be another flattish performer.
#1 Aquarius 2015-08-03 14:45
I am happy to hear that, despite a see-saw year in the market, you still managed to come out an overall winner with real capital gain (including dividend payment) of about $1m. Also, I wasn't surprised you mentioned Noble in your comments, a stock which, at the moment, investors should avoid owing to the controversy surrounding its valuation of assets as well as its high gearing, particularly regarding debts with no retirement policy in place.

I was duly surprised with SingPost which had managed to turn in a good year, being one of the few stocks which made hefty stride in its stock price.

May you continue with your good run, and share with us the development of your portfolio, together with your comments and insight on the market, on a regular basis as you have been doing all these while. Much appreciated, and many thanks.

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