IPCO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (Company Registration Number 199202747M) DISCLOSURE IN COMPLIANCE WITH RULE 704 (15) AND (16) Ipco International Limited (the âCompanyâ) hereby discloses in accordance with Rule 704 (15) that between 26 June 2012 and 12 September 2012, the Company and its subsidiaries (the âGroupâ) have a net acquisition and disposal of quoted equities for a total value of approximately S$0.457 million. This is equivalent to 0.46% of the latest announced consolidated NTA of S$99.42 million. Information in respect of such acquisition is as follows: Before the Acquisition / Disposal S$ After the Acquisition / Disposal S$ 1. Market value as at 26 June 2012 / 12 September 2012 66.854 million 94.796 million 2. Aggregate cost of investment 34.623 million 35.080 million 3. Provision for diminution in value N.A. N.A. 4. Aggregate cost of investment as a percentage of NTA @ 30 April 2012 34.82% 35.28% 5. NTA 99.42 million 30 April 2012 99.42 million 30 April 2012 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Carlson Clark Smith Executive Director and Chief Financial
[Guest 25-11-2012]:
Lousy stock but who knows what can happen to pennies these days.
Edward Lee Ewe Ming just accumulated 5% in IPCO. Is there something that he sees and we don't?